公司的主要目标是加强整体经营能力,采取有效措施提高服务质量,满足客户需求,使韩进海运成为可靠的承运商。韩进海运拥有一支经验丰富的员工队伍,他们了解客户的需求,知道如何帮助客户解决问题,即使是挑剔的客户也能得到满意的服务。这些都将有助于韩进成为可靠的航空公司。现在,你可以看到集装箱,码头设备和船只航行在所有的海洋与“h”标志在世界的每个角落。纵观韩进的发展历程,此标志是韩进3600多名员工对客户质量的保证和郑重承诺。韩进的全球服务网络目前覆盖六大洲31个国家的62个主要港口。在世界的每一个角落,你都可以看到韩进航运业标记为“h”的集装箱、码头、设备和船舶在所有的海洋上航行。近20年来,韩进船务标志已成为韩进船务3600多名员工对客户满意的质量保证和郑重承诺。全球综合物流集团韩进集团与乌兹别克斯坦官员签署了纳沃伊国际机场管理协议,共同在中亚建立一个物流中心。韩进集团与乌兹别克斯坦签署了联合开发纳沃伊国际机场的初步合同。作为本合同的延续,双方签订的协议还包括双方工作范围、项目范围、项目工期(10年)、人员管理、机场整体开发管理等内容。该协议的签署将为乌兹别克斯坦成为中亚物流中心奠定基础。韩进集团将与s-oil目前的主要股东沙特阿拉伯的沙特-美国海外公司(aoc)共同管理s-oil。他的背景是一个卑微的卡车司机。1945年,当他25岁的时候,他从高中补习班休息了一下,买了一辆旧卡车。由于当时缺乏货运竞争对手,加上赵崇勋的勤奋和努力,经过10年的努力,到50年代中期,赵崇勋的事业逐渐发展,货车的数量也逐渐增加。朝鲜战争给赵崇勋带来了发财的机会,为美军运送物资让赵崇勋在朝鲜战争中发了一笔横财。在越南战争中,赵忠勋也做了一笔引进散货服务的交易。韩进散货销售营销中心由散货策划部、贸易部、干散货贸易部1、干散货贸易部2、集装箱集装箱贸易部5个部门组成。韩进船务正在稳步发展,将为客户提供更多不同的优质散货服务。韩进的湿散货业务包括液化石油气(LPG)、液化天然气(LNG)、天然气液化天然气(natural LNG)及其它原油产品等液体货物,以及原有的干散货集装箱。韩进正积极平衡其集装箱和散货业务,目前这两项业务占总业务的80%。为了更好的平衡和扩大服务范围,韩进海运将不断用新的干散货船取代旧船,增加吨位。与此同时,韩进开始通过一家新的合资企业进入欧洲散货市场。汉进欧洲散货有限公司自2004年6月1日起与威格汉-理查森合作。我们希望这一良好的开端将有助于扩大在欧洲和世界各地的大宗业务。韩进海运是全球最大的物流公司之一,主要经营美国境内的集装箱港口、集装箱堆场和运输服务。韩进海运将以现代化的设备,在全球范围内为客户提供可靠、优质的服务。集装箱服务美国航线服务:为了扩大我们在跨太平洋贸易中的服务网络,为了增加航运空间以满足市场的需求,韩进海运非常自豪地在美国引进先进和多样化的服务。在固定的行程安排下,韩进新航线更加频繁地加强了远东与欧洲的联系,覆盖中欧、东欧和地中海。韩进航空还提供每周飞往亚洲、中东和欧洲的航班。为满足国内客户的快速稳定增长,韩进将提供广泛的服务。韩进海运为客户提供冷藏集装箱服务,向客户展示我们真诚的服务。The company's main goal is to strengthen the overall operating capacity, take effective measures to improve service quality to meet customer needs to make hanjin shipping become a reliable carrier. Hanjin Marine has a team of experienced employees who understand the needs of customers, know how to help customers solve problems, and even the picky customers can get satisfactory service. All these will help hanjin become a reliable carrier. Now, you can see containers, terminal equipment and ships sailing on all oceans with "h" sign in every corner of the world. Looking at the development of hanjin, this sign is the guarantee of quality and the solemn commitment of more than 3,600 employees of hanjin to customers. Hanjin's global service network now covers 62 major ports in 31 countries on six continents. You can see containers, docks, equipment and ships sailing on all oceans marked "h" by hanjin shipping in every corner of the world. In the past 20 years, hanjin shipping marks have become the guarantee of quality and the solemn commitment of more than 3,600 employees of hanjin shipping to customer satisfaction. Hanjin group, a global integrated logistics group, and uzbek officials signed the navoi international airport management agreement to jointly build a logistics hub in central Asia. Hanjin group has signed a preliminary contract with uzbekistan for the joint development of the navoy international airport. As a continuation of this contract, the agreement signed by both parties further includes details of the scope of work of both parties, project scope, project duration (10 years), personnel management and overall airport development and management. The signing of this agreement will lay a foundation for uzbekistan to become a logistics hub in central Asia. 2. Hanjin group will manage s-oil together with saudi-american overseas company (aoc) of Saudi Arabia, the current major shareholder of s-oil. His background was as a humble truck driver. In 1945, when he was 25 years old, he took a break from his high school cram school and bought an old truck. Due to the lack of freight competitors at that time, coupled with zhao chongxun's diligence and hard work, after 10 years of hard work, to the mid-1950s, zhao chongxun's career gradually developed, the number of trucks also gradually increased. < / p > < p > the Korean war to zhao chongxun brought the opportunity to make a fortune, for the U.S. military to deliver supplies so that zhao chongxun in the Korean war made a war windfall. In the Vietnam war, zhao chung-xun also made a deal to introduce bulk cargo service. Hanjin bulk cargo sales and marketing center is composed of five departments, namely, bulk cargo planning department, trade department, dry container bulk cargo trade department 1, dry container bulk cargo trade department 2 and container container trade department. Hanjin shipping is developing steadily and will provide customers with more different and excellent bulk cargo services. Hanjin's wet bulk business includes liquid cargo, such as LPG, LNG, natural liquefied gas and other crude oil products, on top of its original dry container. Hanjin is actively balancing its container and bulk operations, which currently account for 80 per cent of the total. In order to better balance and expand the service scope, hanjin shipping will constantly replace the old ships with new dry cargo ships to increase the tonnage. At the same time, hanjin began to enter the European bulk market through a new joint venture. Hanjin European bulk limited has been cooperating with wigham-richardson since June 1, 2004. We hope this good start will facilitate the expansion of bulk business in Europe and worldwide. Logistics business hanjin shipping is one of the world's largest logistics companies, mainly operating container ports, container yards and transportation services within the United States. Global and equipped with modern equipment, hanjin shipping will provide reliable and high-quality service for customers. Container service America line service: in order to expand our service network in the trans-pacific trade, and in order to increase the shipping space to meet the needs of the market, hanjin shipping is very proud to introduce advanced and diversified services in the United States. Under the fixed schedule, hanjin's new route strengthens the connection between the far east and Europe more frequently, and covers central Europe, eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. Hanjin also offers weekly flights to Asia, the Middle East and Europe. To meet the rapid and steady growth of domestic customers, hanjin will provide a wide range of services. Refrigerated container service hanjin Marine provides customers with refrigerated container service to show our sincere service to customers.
- 与MSC/says /CMA/EMC/MSK/OC/CSCL/ANL/HPL/HJ等多家货运公司签订了合同。门到门/DDP/DDU等是我们的优势,制冷剂和危险品运输是我们的专长。 修改翻译结果
- 积极从事外贸货代运输有限公司
- 多年来,公司一直积极从事国际物流、国际快递、外贸综合服务,涵盖国际货运代理、口岸通关、国内运输、跨境电子商务进出口、贸易配送、退税结算、融资及信用保险等模块。
- 一家提供跨境贸易全链条一站式解决方案的企业集团。
- 可为企业提供全方位全链条解决方案的综合性跨境电商服务商。
- 主营国际航空、国际海运、国际快递业务,运费低、专业、安全、高效,为客户提供优质的现代国际物流服务。国际航空货运与北京、上海、深圳、广州、香港等国内各大航空公司紧密合作,安全快捷地抵达全球900多个机场,确保您的贸易和出口运输需求。国际货运业务到上海、宁波、青岛、深圳、广州等国内港口订仓报关,
- 专业铁路拼箱运输
- 拼箱及拼箱进口、拼箱出口货运服务,适用于15吨以下或45CBM以下的货运量,14~22天可达欧洲各地,支持欧洲43 **及国内各地区的门到门提货配送服务。拼箱服务可以有效地满足小批量、多批次、快节奏的新外贸需求,如补货待售、新产品抢占市场等。
- 一般贸易报关可根据您的不同需求。如香港进口商品、红酒、家用产品、电子元器件、机械产品等不同类型的产品,为您提供不同的运输方案。安全、价格合理、通关能力强。你真正需要的是我真正做的。开通-我公司拥有国内物流专线、深圳至义乌物流快运、深圳至广西物流快运、深圳至厦门海运专线、深圳至湖南专线、深圳至上海专线。老化快,服务好
- 国际货代航空运输
- 与北美多家航空公司直接签约,包括新加坡航空(sia)、中华航空(台湾)、国泰航空(香港)、阿联酋航空(EK)、泰国航空(TG)、文莱航空(BI)、美国航空(AA)、UPS等。西欧、印度、巴基斯坦航线销售业绩超过100万吨,在香港、深圳、广州、上海、北京等地经营较多。作为香港六家航空运输银行之一,国际航空运输协会(IATA)世界航空协会(world aviation association)会员和世界货运联盟(world cargo alliance) WCA会员,我们的运力不容置疑,我们实力雄厚
- 全球货代海运业务运输
- 优势航线主要分布在我国主要港口。并出口到日本、韩国、东南亚、印度和巴基斯坦、中东、美国、非洲等充满活力和潜力的新兴市场。我们有自己的仓库,深圳力邦仓库,可以解决外运仓库或其他码头监管仓库的排队问题。因此,利邦仓库所收的所有货物,或我们自己送货上门,均不收取仓库租金和预约费用。我们真正提供一站式的安全管理随叫随到服务。
- 公司在全球主要机场/海港城市均设有代理网络。公司在市区拥有自己的仓库,专业从事通过香港、广州、深圳、上海、宁波、天津、厦门、青岛等港口进出口货物的物流和单证工作。
- 拖车报关货代海运联系电话:18826441634
- 代理的香港/大陆DHL国际快递服务,快捷、安全、可靠,全程跟踪。将文件和小物品发送到世界各地有价格优势。西欧、美国部分地区、东南亚(日本、韩国、马来西亚、新加坡、泰国、菲律宾)**货物清关能力大,价格合理。