乾净进出口贸易有限公司是经国家经贸部、海关总署批准,为国内外生产、贸易企业提供进出口报关服务和国际贸易业务的专业公司。专业代理各种货物进出口报关、商检服务,每个制造商代港口报关,机场报关、进口清关机场口岸通关、仓储、报关、代理各类进出口证书,香港快递,香港进口服务,长途运输,支付国际海运,国际空运,散货清关,交通及其他服务。本公司实力雄厚,具有丰富的报关经验和良好的人际关系。经营完全符合国家法律法规的规定。公司本着互惠互利的原则,负责、守信地为贸易商、生产厂家简化报关手续,降低各项费用,确保货物顺利进出。在长期的报关报检过程中,我与广州、深圳口岸的海关、检验检疫部门有着良好的人际关系。可以更好地为您提供广泛的进出口商品清关、报检、发货等服务。一、专业的码头清关服务。我公司在深圳设立了分公司,主要从事广州(黄埔、吴冲、嘉里、大光、南沙)、深圳(盐田港、蛇口港、大厂湾)口岸的清关清关业务。公司长期代理服装、五金制品、家具、电器、建材、电子产品、陶瓷、化妆品及食品(干货)等一般货物的报关,并承担报关及码头装车服务。并开通广州散货(黄埔五冲仓库、石景长通仓库)一站式仓储清关服务!专业代理广州番禺工厂商检服务。公司拥有一支经验丰富的专业团队,精通报关业务运作流程,业务网点遍布广州各大港口。具有广阔的服务网络,良好的社会关系,本着快速、可靠、全面、周到的精神,超出货物清关或换证凭证服务范围,为商检服务。长期商检产品有服装、鞋类、陶瓷、地砖、日用陶瓷、卫生洁具、音箱、灯具、木制品、家具、塑料制品、玩具、毛绒玩具、钟表、机械等。程序简单,速度快,收费便宜,服务有保障。三、广州或深圳口岸进口货物清关服务!(酒类、食品、机电等)我们将以我们熟练的操作经验和良好的信誉,与港口海关、商检部门长期稳定的合作关系,为您解决所有进口清关问题!把你的货物及时送到你手中。我公司在广州白云国际机场设有办事处,可为您提供各类货物的进口清关服务。我们有丰富的中草药和食品空运经验。六、中港专线运输服务:专业的广州至香港陆运、海运;我公司香港进口大陆有优势,到大陆只需2天的运输,手续简单,价格实惠,可以为您解决所有进口货物的各种难题!七、为您提供广州到新加坡、马来西亚、迪拜、日本、印尼、巴西、澳大利亚、印度等国家的门到门双清货运服务。让您用运费,做快递服务。八、其他:按照一般贸易的方式在你的公司(工厂)的合同不方便或产品的合同,或者是贵司没有进出口权,但是需要直接出口的货物,我们可以在广州黄埔等地区海关港口,番禺南沙,莲花港,深圳皇岗,温家宝金度,盐田,蛇口,东莞,佛山,江门和其他安全快速相关商检,报关手续,以便顺利通过。一般报关单持有人只需要提供出口货物清单(包括中文货物名称)GuangZhou QianJing import & export Trade Co.,LTD, approved by the ministry of economy and Trade and the general administration of customs, is a professional company providing import and export declaration services and international Trade business for domestic and foreign manufacturers and traders. Professional agent all kinds of goods import and export customs declaration, commodity inspection service, each manufacturer generation port customs clearance, airport customs declaration, import customs clearance at the airport port customs clearance, warehousing, customs clearance, agents various types of import and export certificate, Hong Kong express, the Hong Kong import service, long distance transit, pay international shipping, international air transportation, bulk cargo clearance, transportation and other services. The strength of the company, with a wealth of customs clearance experience and good interpersonal relations. The business is in full compliance with the provisions of national laws and regulations. On the premise of mutual benefit, the company is responsible and trustworthy to simplify customs formalities for traders and manufacturers, reduce various expenses and ensure the smooth entry and exit of goods. In the long-term customs declaration and inspection process, I have a solid interpersonal relationship with the customs departments and inspection and quarantine departments of guangzhou and shenzhen ports. Can better provide you with a wide range of import and export commodity customs clearance, customs inspection, shipping and other services. I. professional terminal customs clearance service. Our company has set up a branch office in shenzhen, specializing in customs clearance and clearance services for ports in guangzhou (huangpu, wuchong, jiali, daguang, nansha port) and shenzhen (yantian port, shekou port and dachan bay). The company has long been acting as the agent for the declaration of general cargo of clothing, hardware products, furniture, electrical appliances, building materials, electronic products, ceramics, cosmetics and food (dry goods), etc., paying for the customs declaration and dock loading services. And the opening of guangzhou bulk cargo (whampoa wuchong warehouse, shijing changtong warehouse) one-stop warehousing customs clearance services! Professional agent guangzhou panyu factory commodity inspection service. The company has an experienced professional team, proficient in the business operation process of customs declaration, business outlets throughout the major ports in guangzhou. With a wide service network, good social relations, in the spirit of fast, reliable, comprehensive and thoughtful out of the scope of goods customs clearance or certificate replacement voucher service for commodity inspection services. Long-term commodity inspection products are clothing, footwear, ceramics, floor tiles, daily porcelain, sanitary ware, speakers, lamps and lanterns, wood products, furniture, plastic products, toys, plush toys, watches and clocks, machinery and so on. The procedure is simple, the speed is quick, the charge is cheap, the service has the safeguard. Three, guangzhou or shenzhen ports import goods customs clearance services! (wine, food, electromechanical, etc.) we will be with our skilled operation experience and good reputation, with the port customs, commodity inspection departments long-term stable cooperative relations, for you to solve all import customs clearance problems! Get your goods to your hands in time. Our company has an office in guangzhou baiyun international airport, which can provide you with all kinds of cargo import customs clearance service. We are experienced in the air transportation of Chinese herbal medicine and food. Vi. China-hong kong special line transport service: professional land transport and sea transport from guangzhou to Hong Kong; Our company Hong Kong imports mainland has the superiority, the transportation only needs 2 days to the mainland, the procedure is simple, the price is affordable, may solve for you all goods import each kind of difficult problem! Seven, to provide you with guangzhou to Singapore, Malaysia, dubai, Japan, Indonesia, Brazil, Australia, India and other countries door to door shipping shuangqing service. So that you use the price of shipping, do express service. Eight, other: according to the general trade way in your company (factory) of the contract is not convenient or products in the contract, or the expensive department no import and export right, but the goods need to direct export, we can in regional customs ports such as guangzhou huangpu, panyu nansha, lotus port, shenzhen dahuang, Wen Jin degrees, yantian, shekou, dongguan, foshan, jiangmen and other security quickly for you related to the commodity inspection, customs declaration formalities, in order to go through smoothly. General declaration owners only need to provide a list of export goods (including the name of the goods in Chinese and English, quantity/volume, unit price, total amount, etc.); Goods that cannot be inspected can be cleared through customs directly. We will provide you with professional solutions through our rich operational experience and extensive and solid customs relationships.
- 与MSC/says /CMA/EMC/MSK/OC/CSCL/ANL/HPL/HJ等多家货运公司签订了合同。门到门/DDP/DDU等是我们的优势,制冷剂和危险品运输是我们的专长。 修改翻译结果
- 积极从事外贸货代运输有限公司
- 多年来,公司一直积极从事国际物流、国际快递、外贸综合服务,涵盖国际货运代理、口岸通关、国内运输、跨境电子商务进出口、贸易配送、退税结算、融资及信用保险等模块。
- 一家提供跨境贸易全链条一站式解决方案的企业集团。
- 可为企业提供全方位全链条解决方案的综合性跨境电商服务商。
- 主营国际航空、国际海运、国际快递业务,运费低、专业、安全、高效,为客户提供优质的现代国际物流服务。国际航空货运与北京、上海、深圳、广州、香港等国内各大航空公司紧密合作,安全快捷地抵达全球900多个机场,确保您的贸易和出口运输需求。国际货运业务到上海、宁波、青岛、深圳、广州等国内港口订仓报关,
- 专业铁路拼箱运输
- 拼箱及拼箱进口、拼箱出口货运服务,适用于15吨以下或45CBM以下的货运量,14~22天可达欧洲各地,支持欧洲43 **及国内各地区的门到门提货配送服务。拼箱服务可以有效地满足小批量、多批次、快节奏的新外贸需求,如补货待售、新产品抢占市场等。
- 一般贸易报关可根据您的不同需求。如香港进口商品、红酒、家用产品、电子元器件、机械产品等不同类型的产品,为您提供不同的运输方案。安全、价格合理、通关能力强。你真正需要的是我真正做的。开通-我公司拥有国内物流专线、深圳至义乌物流快运、深圳至广西物流快运、深圳至厦门海运专线、深圳至湖南专线、深圳至上海专线。老化快,服务好
- 国际货代航空运输
- 与北美多家航空公司直接签约,包括新加坡航空(sia)、中华航空(台湾)、国泰航空(香港)、阿联酋航空(EK)、泰国航空(TG)、文莱航空(BI)、美国航空(AA)、UPS等。西欧、印度、巴基斯坦航线销售业绩超过100万吨,在香港、深圳、广州、上海、北京等地经营较多。作为香港六家航空运输银行之一,国际航空运输协会(IATA)世界航空协会(world aviation association)会员和世界货运联盟(world cargo alliance) WCA会员,我们的运力不容置疑,我们实力雄厚
- 全球货代海运业务运输
- 优势航线主要分布在我国主要港口。并出口到日本、韩国、东南亚、印度和巴基斯坦、中东、美国、非洲等充满活力和潜力的新兴市场。我们有自己的仓库,深圳力邦仓库,可以解决外运仓库或其他码头监管仓库的排队问题。因此,利邦仓库所收的所有货物,或我们自己送货上门,均不收取仓库租金和预约费用。我们真正提供一站式的安全管理随叫随到服务。
- 公司在全球主要机场/海港城市均设有代理网络。公司在市区拥有自己的仓库,专业从事通过香港、广州、深圳、上海、宁波、天津、厦门、青岛等港口进出口货物的物流和单证工作。
- 拖车报关货代海运联系电话:18826441634
- 代理的香港/大陆DHL国际快递服务,快捷、安全、可靠,全程跟踪。将文件和小物品发送到世界各地有价格优势。西欧、美国部分地区、东南亚(日本、韩国、马来西亚、新加坡、泰国、菲律宾)**货物清关能力大,价格合理。